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Lifetime of Yoga

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is a practice to nurture and relax the body, it is ideal for beginners and students looking to find strength and stability in their Posture practice (Asana).  Hatha Yoga brings balance to the body by focussing on gentle movement, working towards improved postural alignment and breathwork practices (known as Pranayama) to help promote ease, concentration and optimal mental health, whilst exploring variations to make the practice your own.

The Benefits of Yoga

It would be impossible to list all the positive aspects that Yoga has to offer on this sheet, and I would hope that through attending my classes I enthuse you to explore this fascinating subject on a deeper level. 

Alongside many clinical and physical ailments, yoga can help to improve the following:

  • Healthy joints and posture
  • Strengthening of muscles
  • Improved bone density
  • Lung function and efficient breathing
  • Refined central nervous system, brain function and concentration
  • Restful Sleep
  • Blood Circulation
benefits of yoga

What to expect in a class

At Lifetime of yoga, my class will usually begin with a joint mobilising sequence known as Pawamuktasana, this sequence ensures that our joints are gently warmed and allows time to become aware of any tension or discomfort in our own bodies. 

We will then bring our focus to a carefully selected series of postures (these are known as Asana), these will challenge our bodies to develop coordination, balance and strength – focus will also be directed to enhance efficient breathing and decluttering our minds.

Finally, the class will end with a restful and restorative period that is known as Shavasana, where we lay down on our mats, reflect upon how we feel after our practice and take the time to fully rest our bodies and minds.

Current Classes at Lifetime of yoga

Click here for my current class times and workshops

About Me

Dee Pepper

I’m Dee Pepper and I first discovered Yoga in 2001 and have had a keen interest to discover all the benefits ever since. I believe that yoga should be accessible to people of all abilities and age – so with a passion to help others discover its benefit, I carefully researched a training programme that would provide me with the most grounded knowledge and support, in which to develop my skills to safely deliver a thorough and comprehensive class. So in 2017 I embarked on the British Wheel of Yoga 500hr Diploma Course. My personal passions revolve around my family and travel, with the aim to live a less-pressured lifestyle and to be the best possible version of myself, both physically and mentally.

Get in touch

Phone: 07460656536
Email: info@lifetimeofyoga.com

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