About Me

about dee pepper

I’m Dee and I hate exercise!  

I first discovered Yoga in 2001, I found the movements achievable and enjoyed leaving each class with a sense of inner calmness – I was hooked!  I wanted to discover more about the benefits and this passion has led me to creating my Lifetime of Yoga journey which I would like to share with you… 

I believe that yoga should be accessible to people of all abilities and age – so with a passion to help others to discover the benefits, I carefully researched a training programme that would provide me with the most grounded knowledge and support, in which to develop my skills to safely deliver thorough and comprehensive classes.  So in 2017 I embarked on the British Wheel of Yoga 500hr Diploma Course.

My personal passions revolve around my family and travel, with the aim to live a less-pressured lifestyle and to be the best possible version of myself, both physically and mentally.

Are you ready to begin your Lifetime of Yoga journey too?…

Dee Pepper

Get in touch

Phone: 07460656536
Email: info@lifetimeofyoga.com