Hatha Yoga..

Hatha stands for the union of our physical and spiritual forces.

By enhancing our physical body alongside our spiritual being, we are refining our personality and creating calmness of the mind.

Yoga encourages us to purify the body and mind together in a way that feels right for you.

There are many variations to the paths of yoga, but the main focus should be to what feels right for you, as you explore the various offerings. 


An ideal starting point for your yoga journey is Hatha Yoga.

What to Expect..

My class will begin with a gentle sequence of movement to ensure that our joints are gently prepared and time is spent becoming aware of any tension or discomfort in our own bodies, this process allows us to focus our minds on the present moment.

We will then bring our focus to a carefully selected series of postures (which are known as Asana), these will challenge our bodies to develop coordination, balance and strength – focus will also be directed to enhance efficient breathing and de-cluttering of our minds.

Utilising elements of Meditation and Pranayama (breathing practices) throughout the practice to emphasise the value of counterbalancing effort with rest. 

Finally, the class will end with a restful and restorative period that is known as Shavasana, where we lay down on our mats, reflect upon how we feel after our practice and take the time to fully rest our bodies and minds.

What to Bring & What to Wear..

  • We practice barefoot and ideally you should wear comfortable, non-restrictive clothing.
  • You should bring a yoga mat*
  • You may like to have a blanket which can double as extra cushioning for floor work – to help protect vulnerable areas, and for extra warmth during Shavasana.
  • Hydration is important so please bring a bottle of water with you.


*I will have a small selection of mats and blocks available.

Class Etiquette..

  • Let me know of any injuries or ongoing health conditions prior to the start of the class – you are welcome to call me before hand to discuss.
  • Please turn your phone to silent – use this opportunity to unplug from technology.
  • Back away from pain/discomfort – listen to your body.
  • Feel free to speak up in class – raise your questions if something does not feel right.
  • Avoid comparing yourself to others – we are all different and change will happen naturally.
  • Most importantly – ENJOY YOUR PRACTICE!

The Benefits of Yoga..

There are many health benefits of practicing yoga, alongside many clinical and physical ailments, yoga can help to improve the following:

  • Flexibility and strengthening of muscles
  • Healthy joints and posture
  • Improved bone density
  • Anxiety & Mental Health
  • Lung function and efficient breathing
  • Refined central nervous system, brain function and concentration
  • Restful Sleep
  • Blood Circulation 

I hope that through attending my teachings, I enthuse you to explore this fascinating subject on a much more deeper and personal level to you.


Most frequent questions and answers

You do not need to be flexible to practice yoga; I aim to make my classes accessible to all – working in a way to explore your own natural range of movement and assess which options are right for your body.

I would be happy to discuss suitability for a regular class with you.  It may be that I suggest booking a block of 1-2-1 sessions, so that I can assess your suitability for a general class and develop a clearer understanding of your needs – creating a personal practice that can maximize the benefits for you.

Comfortable clothing that stretches as you move (no jeans) and wearing layers is useful too, so that you can add or remove them as needed – keeping the body warm during relaxation or meditation is important and many find it nice to bring a blanket for this.

Yoga Mat



Bottle of water

Get in touch

Phone: 07460656536
Email: info@lifetimeofyoga.com