Make the Practice Your Own

Within my yoga sessions I give you full permission to be kind to your body and adapt my offerings to suit your ability. Please be reassured that its OK to listen to your body and to do something different from everyone else in the class – if its not feeling great for you.

If you want or need to modify the pose to suit your body or even to take a rest – that is absolutely fine too.

I encourage you to listen to your body and ask yourself: “does this feel right for you today?”

Some days we need more of a physical challenge and other days we may need more space to mentally create some space, other days we may need to take extra precautions to accommodate discomfort or injury, so to help work out what is right for you I would always suggest:

Using a blanket or block
Avoid going too deep into a pose

Never compare yourself with others, keep a soft gaze and only focus as far as your mat edges can help to observe what is working for your body.

Find what is right for you and make the yoga practice your own!

Dee Pepper

Dee Pepper

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