New to Yoga..

A journey begins with a single step….…and now is the right time to begin your yoga journey, so let’s look at how you can get started!

Styles that suit..

It’s important to know that there are many different styles of yoga on offer out there and it may be beneficial for you to explore a few different styles and classes to help find the right one for you.  It is also worth remembering that what is right for you now – may not be so useful in 10 years’ time, but that is the wonderful thing about yoga – it can adapt with you as your body ages and changes.

By developing the skills to listen to your internal body awareness, you will be able to adapt your practice to suit your body, mind and lifestyle needs – creating a Lifetime of Yoga….

Getting started..

Together we can explore some yoga techniques in the comfort of your own home then please check out my online bitesize classes to get you motivated..

Coming Soon!

Finding a class..

With so many classes on offer it can be difficult to know where to begin – different styles, different abilities, suitable day and time, teachers knowledge and background to teach safely….well a good place to start is the British Wheel of Yoga website, they are the ‘go to’ authoritative voice on all things yoga in my opinion, established over 50 years ago and they are the largest yoga membership organisation in the UK and are committed to promoting a greater understanding and the safe practice of yoga.

Obviously you can contact me direct or here you will find details of regular local classes and workshops with accredited teachers in your area:
Dee Pepper

Dee Pepper

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